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  • €0.00 - €4.00

Dividers & Indexes

File dividers and indexes are essential office products, allowing for quick retrieval of information. These are used for separation of documents inside of ring binders and lever arch files. Our wide range of A4 tab dividers are available either white, multi colour, alphabetical or numbered. Our plain dividers can be 5 part, 10 part and more. The numbered dividers can be 1-5, 1-10, 1-12, 1-31 and more. The 1-12 dividers are very handy when to use as monthly dividers and the 1-31 dividers as daily dividers. Alphabetical A-Z dividers can be plain white or coloured so you can choose which ever you prefer. There are also a number of extra wide options available which gives you extra width and a big tab for easier viewing.

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